design Paulo Pallucco, Mireille Rivier
There are many things that can be said about Beauty; comic, insightful, practical--or even that no one notices it once its been in the house after 3 days. But the one Beautiful thing about the Campo d'Oro tables at Functions is that their beauty lies in offering brillian solutions that simply cannot be ignored.
The Campo d'Oro's intelligent system of "functional transformism" and its expert interplay of a dynamic design is based on the proportional harmony of the trapezoid parts of the top that follow the relationships dictated by the golden section, a classical benchmark of Beauty. Closed, it appears square, while thanks to two side hinges it is possible to vary the form of the top in different combinations, changing the position of the three trapezoid elements that comprise the table. Nothing is left to chance since the Campo d'Oro is engineered to suit any function and offers the freedom in flexibility in living called for in a modern lifestyle. A table that evolves, for lunch, work, study and celebration.
For more information please contact Functions.
Celebrating our 28th Year Anniversary
8601 Beverly Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90048
T. 310.360.6200